기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-11 18:26:12
  • 수정 2020-08-16 13:21:31

A showcase was held at Ilji Art Hall in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 16th to commemorate the release of Hong Eunki's first mini album "UNDEFINABLE:LOVE."

"Unlimited: Love" contains love, an area that is not visually visible but cannot be defined, in Hong Eun-gi's own interpretation and expression. Including the title track "Breath," it consists of a total of six tracks, including dreamy sound "LOST IN YOU," R&B dance songs "PARANOIA" and "Inconception," allowing Hong to feel various charms.

New album "Flower"Hong Eunki explained that she wanted to include the message 'I'm the same person as you.' "Since we are all the same people, I hope you will admit that someone is different, not wrong," he added.

Meanwhile, Hong's first mini-album "Unprecedented: Love" was released on various music sites at noon today.

Article: Lee Kyung-chul, a professional reporter
Copyright (c) Korean Women's Health News; Prohibit unauthorized reproduction and redistribution


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